Reduce the time it takes to update Zebra devices with Android OS and LifeGuard security patches as SOTI MobiControl now supports Zebra FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air). From SOTI MobiControl, update your entire fleet of Zebra devices. No need to switch between websites. No need to download firmware updates. No need to perform numerous manual steps.
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Synth1 is a legendary freeware synthesizer plugin that has been around for ages. Ichiro Toda released the first version of the instrument back in 2002. According to Wikipedia, it is one of the most downloaded VST plugins of all time.
Yet, despite its age, Synth1 remains a relevant virtual instrument. The three things that make Synth1 stand out are its characteristic digital sound, incredibly low CPU hit, and the abundance of freely downloadable presets. Seriously, there are hundreds of Synth1 sound banks that you can download free of charge, some of which were crafted by well-known professional sound designers.
To download apps and tweaks for jailbroken devices it's required to use a package manager like Cydia. By itself, Cydia comes with some basic sources but with this guide, you can add tons of new Cydia Repositories with jailbreak tweaks and apps.
AppTapp is the home place for one of the most popular Cydia alternatives for jailbroken devices - Installer 5. This is a modern, fast, and user-friendly package manager for iOS packed with over 100 features. It supports all modern jailbreaks running iOS 9 up to iOS 15. From this Cydia Source, you can download only the APT manager. No other packages are available.
ichitaso is a great Cydia Source with awesome free tweaks for iOS devices. You can download from here vnodebypass, TransparentDock13, QuickWiFi, PrimalFolders 2, PowerSelector, OTADisabler, FiveIconDock13, Exsto, and jailbroken version of AltStore.
Anamy is a small Cydia Repository with access to three packages. You can download from this Cydia Source Wthr widget and AppBox widget for Xen HTML. Their look beautiful so it's worth adding this repository to your package manager.
Samgisaninja is the first place to find and download Succession and SnapBack apps for iOS devices. Those tools are used to backup and restore the firmware directly from your device without the need to upgrade to the latest iOS version. There are 18 packages available.
Xen Suite Repository is the official Cydia Source for Xen HTML tweak to run widgets on Lock Screen and Home Screen. Here you also download Xen Lockscreen, libGitHubIssues, and Info Stats 2 packages. This is one of the best tweaks to change the look of any iOS device.
ModMy is a very old Cydia Source with over 26k packages available for download. You can find here a lot of widgets and tweaks to modify the system look including add-ones to change the boot logo, install widgets, tweaks to modify the keyboard look, and more. Every package is categorized easily to find a desired tweak or addon. It offers also thousand of custom fonts.
Karen Tsai is a very talented jailbreak tweaks developer offering in her repository 44 packages to download. The most famous tweak created by this dev is AppSync Unified allowing to install unsigned IPA files directly on jailbroken devices. Find here also MobileTerminal and appinst, a command-line tool to install IPA files, or AirSpeakers to use the device as an AirPlay speaker.
dtathemes repo offers access to populate game console emulators for iPhone. From this source, you can download and install console emulators like Delta, Provenance, Happy Chick, Delta iOS 13, and PPSSPP. Additionally, a few themes and icon packs are available.
YouRepo offers over 2800 packages. Sign in to purchase and download paid packages. From this Cydia Source, you can download 99% of widgets and themes allowing you to change the look of any jailbroken device. There are also a few tweaks available to change the iOS look.
Henrikssonbrothers is another small repository with a couple of free tweaks available for download. It comes with Cydia Timeout tweaks that allow to speed up Cydia Sources refresh time by setting a timeout (2, 5, or 10 seconds).
1conan is the service behind the most popular platform to save blobs from your device. Blobs can be used to restore iOS devices to unsigned firmware. From this Cydia Repository, you can download TSS Saver app that can save blobs directly on your iPhone. It includes also dimentio package that allows users to set nonce without triggering KPP/KTRR/PAC.
Evynw's Repository is the biggest collection of custom fonts for iOS devices. You can find here 142 fonts for iOS 10 - iOS 14. This is also one of the best places to find over 200 widgets for Home Screen, Lock Screen, Music Themes, and Widgets Packs. Every package comes with a screenshot so you can view how the widget will look like without downloading it.
n-i-n-0 repository contains only one package for download. Use this Cydia Source to install XenSearch widget that adds a search bar for your Home Screen. Use this widget with XenHTML. This widget is available only via this source.
Fouadraheb is the home of Watusi for Whatsapp tweak. When you are using WhatsApp to communicate this is the must-have tweak that allows you to change every part of the app to satisfy your needs. It offers tons of changes you can apply to the stock app. Add this repo to download Watusi 2, Watusi 3, WatusiTools, and Watusi Sticker Packs.
TDMD is an excellent Cydia Source with themes and widgets for your iPhone. The repo contains over 33 packages for free download including device information widgets, car widgets, clock widgets, etc. All packages are categorized for better navigation.
A Arab-Cydia offers access to over 1860 packages including popular hacks for iOS games installed from the official App Store, and various iOS apps. You can download from this Cydia repository also many popular free and paid tweaks for jailbroken devices.
On the other hand, the current availability of a free download of the SIMATIC Step 7 Lite software makes it awfully tempting to take a look at it. If your only use of Siemens PLCs are an S7-300, C7 or ET200 in a stand alone application with no special needs (CP or FM) then I could highly recommend the Lite package. It has the same level of programming functionality as the regular Step 7 packages plus some nifty interface enhancements to make it easier on the eyes and on the brain. It is possible (though not easy) to convert any software created in the STEP 7 Lite to STEP 7 and visa versa keeping in mind the limitations of the Lite version. Since the packages bear a lot of similarities it will also be easy for the student to transfer any learning on the Lite package over to STEP 7.
Partial downloads are used in existing projects where only one or more blocks will be downloaded. To perform this type of download select the block(s) you wish to download and then select the PLC > Download menu item or the download button .
Holding down the Ctrl key or the Shift key allows more then one block to be selected at a time. Be careful though as the order of download will occur in the order that the blocks were selected. This may mean that an error will occur if a block is called before it is downloaded.
The CPU will need to be in Stop mode before downloading the System Data Block (SDB) as this is equivalent to a hardware configuration download. This is usually not necessary in a PLC that has all ready had its hardware configured. If you do download the system data, the following messages will prompt you through the transitions.
To download all the blocks at once make sure you are in the Block folder and select the Edit > Select All menu item. Click on the Download icon . You will be prompted to overwrite any existing blocks and if you want to load the system data (see above).
The partial and full download methods above will overwrite existing blocks but will not any blocks from memory. In order to completely delete the existing program in the CPU and download a new project select the Blocks folder and then use the PLC > Download User Program to Memory Card menu item.
The proper way to view a block online is to open the block and select the Establish Connection to Configured CPU icon . Just make sure what you are viewing has been downloaded to the PLC.
Examples of bone remains and a hyaena coprolite from the excavation quarry VM4 of Venta Micena. (a) Diaphysis of a digested long bone of bird. (b) Bone fragment showing gnaw marks made by a porcupine (Hystrix sp.). (c) Coprolite of Pachycrocuta brevirostris. (d) Third-fourth metacarpal of a large Bovini showing a different degree of bone weathering in its proximal and distal part (this bone, preserved complete, shows some diagenetic fractures orthogonal to the major axis, which resulted from sediment compaction). (e) Bone flake with micronotches and tooth marks. (f) Fragment of a radius of a large-sized ungulate (the upper view shows the presence of a double opposing notch, the lower one shows one notch, pits, and scores). (g) Proximal radius of megacerine deer Praemegaceros cf. verticornis fragmented and consumed by the hyaenas [the enlarged photographs show pits (1) and crenulated edges (2)]. (h) Ulna of hippo Hippopotamus antiquus consumed by the hyaenas, showing several pits. (i) Notch on an indeterminate bone fragment. Scale bars in (c-i) represent 2 cm.
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