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basically i have just got TFT come through the post earlier than my ROC, can i go online and download the torrent version ( illegal - non internet ) copy and then install TFT ontop of that, use the legit TFT cd key and would that allow me to play online for TFT battlenet or would that not work? thanks.

cd key for warcraft 3 battlenet crack

Could be a damaged CD. Easiest solution is to download the torrents and use your legal CD keys with them (and don't copy over the cracked files).Blizzard can't tell the difference between legal and nonlegal installations, so as long as the CD keys you use are legit, you are safe.

hey, i wonder wondering. could you torrent Dl the Warcraft 3 RoC and TFT and and use the cd keys and still get on battlenet? also how do you get on battle net i dont have the cds or anything and i want to play. and if possible can i have a cd key for both Roc and tft

Hello I've got a problem, I want to play on I got original cd-keys, but not the game, I downloaded ROC as you said in the first post, but I can't do the same for FT, because it is already used in some other account, my friend gave it to me, so I need to download original game, without crack, where I can download game,insert my cd-key,and play on

Thanks dude, I'll download it right now.I hope it will work,although I suspect because I downloaded RoC via and it won't recognize any game unless one, but at least I have original RoC cd,which doesn't require crack! :-DP.S Can I do anything for you?

Just because a crack is supplied, you don't necessarily have to use it. The files you downloaded should be a direct copy of the contents of the official TFT cd. The only modification is what's inside the crack folder. Just ignore it and pretend you are installing from a CD. (Which you are, virtually anyway.)

A little outdated but still works: -warcraft/You can get the full 1.26a patch from there and it will work no matter what version you are on now. You will want to download the one called "Standalone", "1.26a Full Patch".

everytime i try to open and it wouldnt launch at all not unless i open the warcraft TFT installer.its like it would like me to open my installer for the rest my life to play with this dota tft there any way i could just play it without leaving the installer open all the time??

sorry if i'm asking a stupid question 1000 of people asked before but i really couldn't download warcraft frozen throne.after i download the file Warcraft.IIIThe Frozen.Throne.dmg from torrent client i started to install the file but mac gave me a msg "Please insert the cd" !!!!!1

Hi I'm looking to torrent WC3 and its expansion pack, do cracks work to be able to access How do I acquire an "authentic" code for the game? Have the master codes for the game been released yet? Thanks for your help 3ICE

i finished installing and putting cd key that i get from your old post here in your forum but afterwards it displays on the scren ( Warcraft III was unable to detect a disc in you CD_ROM drive. Please make sure your Warcraft III disc is in yout CD_ROM drive, then click in 'Retry'. After that i cracked the frozen throne install it then the same thing it displays on the screen it requires cd=(i really want this TFT!!!can you figure out is there anything wrong here?thank you so much

I've downloaded the Mac torrent (#3) on my macbook pro. When I open the Warcraft 3 folder, there is only the Frozen Throne (no Reign of Chaos). I double click Frozen throne but the computer is unresponsive to it.Is this occurring because there is no Reign of Chaos in the warcraft 3 folder?

hi there 3ice, i would like to ask some help with regards to launching warcraft 3. I am done with installing the game,however, when i launch the game it says : Please make sure your Warcraft 3 disc is in your CD-ROM drive, then click on 'Retry'; which I already did. The disc is in the drive, but I can still not launch the game. please help me. thanks.

I have warcraft 3 cd key but i do not wish to play whit the cd, because i want the english version and not the french version i have. So i want to know if it possible to turn my french version to an english one

Simply update the game to the latest version and it will no longer ask for the CD.You will have to update the game without launching it (auto updater won't work) because you don't have a CD. To do this, manually download the patch file from -warcraft/

I have warcraft 3 version 1.24, but I lost the cd keys ages ago, i wanna update to 1.28 , also I only play single player so I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to give the cd keys that are needed for the update :) 2ff7e9595c


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