Lake sediments are excellent archives of environmental and climate changes as well as human impact on lake- and river-systems. Lake Biel is a medium-sized peri-alpine lake in Switzerland, with a maximum depth of 74 m, and lies at an altitude of 429 m a.s.l. Lake Biel, which formed during the Pleistocene by glacial erosion, is part of the Aare river system. Our study focuses on the south-west part of the lake basin where the lake sedimentation was originally (i.e. naturally) mainly controlled by autochthonous sedimentation. This area is currently under a strong influence of water and sediment input from this river catchment since the Aare river deviation through the Hagneck canal in 1878. A 10.05 m long composite sediment sequence, cored from a 52 m water depth in September 2011, was built from two long cores retrieved with the ETH Zurich/Eawag Uwitec system. A radiocarbon age model indicates that the retrieved sedimentary sequence spans the last 7500 years. The upper sediments were correlated to previous short core radionuclide stratigraphy for the 1.5 m upper part (Thevenon et al., 2013). Magnetic susceptibility and density were measured by Geotek MultiSensor Core Logger at 0.5 cm resolution. Granulometry was measured with a CILAS grain sizer every 10 cm, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was carried out using an Avaatech core scanner at 1-cm resolution. This technique provides semi-quantitative information of the sediment elemental composition and shows how runoff and river input (Ti, Al, Si) or redox conditions (Fe/Mn) vary through time. Lake Biel sediment record suggests marked environmental changes with runoff decrease linked to climate and vegetation change during Atlantic chronobiozone, as well as a complex climate-human impact during the 'La Tène' and Roman cultural times. The most prominent recorded feature is the 10-times increase of sediment rate that occurred after the Aare river deviation through the Hagneck canal into Lake Biel in 1878. This artificial
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