Language packs are available for computers that are running Windows 8 and Windows RT. We recommend that you install language packs from the Control Panel. If the language pack is unavailable in the Control panel, you may find the download link on the Windows website that we mentioned in the "Download a language pack from Windows website" section.
Recently we collected and posted here a bunch of direct links to various MUI language packs for Windows 8.1, Windows 8 RTM and Windows 7. It is useful for users who need to install them on multiple PCs. They will save their Internet bandwidth and time by not downloading them again on each PC. Instead, they can save the offline package and use it for future installs. In this article, we shall see how to install these downloaded language packs.
LINK Downloading English Language Pack - Windows 8 - KB2607607 En-US LP
Korean - 75.50MB (I couldn't get this one to install. other people have problem installing other languages, see -us/windows/forum/windows_8-desktop/cant-install-a-language-pack/843feb68-808a-41ea-a702-4bd5e0ccadcc and -us/windows/forum/windows_8-windows_update/windows-8-language-packs-fail-to-install/88e3de3e-ae5a-44a7-a687-cb23180606d4 blank screen during download seems to be the indication if it is not going to work.
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