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Modbo 4 0 Installation Guide


Earlier this month I installed a Modbo 4.0 modchip into my SCPH-70012 PS2 slim console. Since I also own an SCPH-39001 PS2 fat, I decided to install a modchip into it. Modchips for the PlayStation 2 you to get more out of your PS2. Things like playing games from other regions, playing PS1 and PS2 backups, and running homebrew applications. This blog post covers the installation of the Modbo 5.0 modchip into my SCPH-39001 PS2 fat console.

Modbo 4 0 Installation Guide

With the modchip mounted I soldered each wire to the board. I started with the pads and legs of the chip to the left of the chip, and then followed a counter clockwise pattern around the modchip once I finished soldering those first set of wires. Above is an image of what my installation looked like after I finished with the left side of the modchip.

I was able to install my modchip in less than an hour. I found the installation process to be more difficult than the installation of a modchip on a PS1, or soldering a Teensy to a PS3 Slim, but very similar to the installation of a modchip onto my PS2 slim.

Modbo modchips are very popular and work with most versions of the PlayStation 2. This guide covers everything you need to know about choosing, and installing, a Modbo modchip into your PlayStation 2.

Hola mis Playstation 2 tiene un chip modbo 4.0 (toxic) pero tiene un pin llamado F que no tiene los de la foto de esta página, es original o que es?Puedo actualizar a modbo 5.0 solo conectando los pines del modbo anterior al nuevo?Mi Playstation 2 es scph 79001 8A (GH-061-51)

Never got around to sharing my install with you. Thanks for all your help and guides, Fun mod to do! Just a quick note to all, when disassembling slims make sure you try not to lift the ribbon cable on the laser unit. I lifted mine slightly and ended up scratching some discs as the ribbon was protruding up by a few mm. Easy fix just glue the ribbon cable back down

Software setup guide for Modbo 4.0 and HDPro V1.0 (SLIM and FAT consoles) The following steps are required to get your HDPro running with Modbo 4.0: 1) Download the latest HDLoader installation package .zip from 2) Unzip the archive to your PC.

Would this be a good choice?As to installing it, my PS2 is a PAL (Australian) SCPH-50002, from what I've read, it has a V9 motherboard, so is this the diagram I should be following?It says 'USA' on the diagram, so is installation different for my PAL console? Also, I see there's some alternative solder locations for the wires that are normally soldered to the legs. This sounds appealing to me, since soldering to the legs sounds really fiddly, and there seems like there would be a strong likelihood of accidental bridging, but is there a downside to soldering to the alternative locations?There were a few things I was wondering:1) Apparently modchips can burn out the laser, is there anything I can do to prevent this (something about a 'diode fix'?)?2) Will NTSC games automatically run at 60Hz and PAL at 50Hz?3) When the mod chip loads up an import PS1 game, it's using the console's PS1 hardware, just like a stock PS2 right? It's not emulating the game?4) Does a modded console function essentially the same as a stock console? I can just pop the game in and it loads up, nothing more required?5) Some guides mentioned scratching lacquer off the points you're soldering to. 2ff7e9595c


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