One may say that the societal, family and peer pressure is so high in islam that the most moderate muslims will never express their doubts in open. And this group within moderate muslims need to be protected.
Wow! This lady talks about misquoting this and is actually completing giving an incorrect translation of the bhagwat geeta verse? There is no word or thing as Religion in Hinduism. Dharma means duties, righteous. So basically you have a dharma as a son, a dharma as a friend, a dharma as a kshatriya, a dharma as a husband and they are all different from each other. Why do these islamists try to degrade Hinduism everytime to defend their verses projecting violence. Geeta says exactly what soldiers do on the border, protect their people, project what is right. Not just randomly go on killing people from other religion just because they have different believes. Fortrue Hinduism even Islamic way of praying is valid. And how can print allow such false articles? Shame on media houses like this. To white wash beheading by an extremist you will go to this extent?
Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam Books.pdf
The real crisis in islam is that erudite and instrospective voices are quelled and only dogmatic voices find space and adherents. Thats why people like arif md khan, tasleema nasreen, tarek fatah etc are not liked by muslims at large. Very little chance of muslim reforms as the faculties to question are systematically numbed like in no other religion. Rule book cant be questioned even after 1400yrs, and onus of interpretations of the rule book resides with intolerant and dogmatic adherents only.
Typical apologist for inhuman behaviour. There are muslims, who do think of humanity first, first majority of the muslims always discriminate between muslims and everyone one else as non-muslims. For these people, Human race is dividied into two- muslims and non-muslims. The things Zakir Naik used to say about other religions when he was in India, if same was said about Islam, we would have seen scenes like Bangalore all over India. She was quiet about what happened in Bangalore.Our liberals fail to understand that individuals have special needs, but these liberals believe that the whole community has special needs. Wherever musims go and live the natives have to adjust to them, not the other way around. The so called liberal scandanavian countries are feeling the heat right now. They kept on preaching liberal values and when the problem reached their borders, they shut it down after the initial euphoria about immigrants.The problem is not islamophobes, the problem is with followers of the faith, who find excuses to look the other way when barbaric things happen. She is being dishonest in claiming islamphobes using the verses to deride the religion. She should go and see the muslim clergy who interpret it the exact way she describes a islamaphobe. I dont see any outrage from her ilk towards this.The first thing these liberals do is try show how other religions are bad as well, time and again these people use excuses of IRA and LTTE, to say they were not called christian terrorists or Hindu terrorists even when they bombed and killed. Can she say which god was invoked and which christian clergies and Hindu clergies condoled the killings as just and for saving the religion. You have heads of Muslim states justifying the be-headings and she says it is Islamophobia. There is no Islamophobia, the word is coined by the apologists like Zainab, who use the word to deflect the criticism coming to their ideals. It is more of demonophobia, fear of people coming and refusing to behave like humans, wanting a medieval culture within societies about which they have no understanding and refuse to understand. No one fears Islam, so dont go lying about Islamophobia, the people of fearful of demons who think they believe an absolute truth of one religion and kill others invoking their god.As long as there are dishonest and lying closet bigots and apologists, who masquerade as liberals, we all are in danger and demonophobia is real.
You can very well come up with defending point but from the listed attacks above two are related ISLAMIC BUILDINGS.I would like you to list any muslim attacks in INDIA against Temples.Forget about Muslims across all over the world , there are few blacksheeps in each community by which entire community is blamed for their mistakes.I am not blaming whole Hindu community but try to understand we muslims adhering to the principles in Quran.Quran saysOne who kills an innocent human being unless being for(Rape, Corruption ) has killed whole humanityOne who kills saves an human being has saved the whole humanityThis is what Quran says and we muslim follow.I would like you to point out any verse in your Vedas (considered to be word of GOD) which supports humanity as above.Also to understand or criticize ISLAM dont see MuslimsPlease read Quranyou are welcomed to criticize and challenge QURAN 2ff7e9595c