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Network Security Architecture Sean Convery Pdf Download: Understand Security Policy and How to Align


Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures is your comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing a secure network. Whether your background is security or networking, you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between a highly available, efficient network and one that strives to maximize security. The included secure network design techniques focus on making network and security technologies work together as a unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in an ad-hoc way.

Beginning where other security books leave off, Network Security Architectures shows you how the various technologies that make up a security system can be used together to improve your network's security. The technologies and best practices you'll find within are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply to virtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and hows of security, from threats and counter measures to how to set up your security policy to mesh with your network architecture. After learning detailed security best practices covering everything from Layer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply the best practices to your network and learn to design your own security system to incorporate the requirements of your security policy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today's threats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and work through case studies to find out how to modify the designs to address the unique considerations found in your network.

Network Security Architecture Sean Convery Pdf Download

Sean Convery, CCIE No. 4232, is a security architect at Cisco Systems. He has been with the company for six years and is best known as the principal architect of the original Cisco SAFE Security Blueprint, as well as an author of several of its white papers. During his time at Cisco Systems, Sean has presented secure network design to thousands of Cisco customers around the world and consulted with scores of customers on security designs both large and small.

Identify the key security roles and placement issues fornetwork security elements such as firewalls, intrusion detectionsystems, VPN gateways, content filtering, as well as fortraditional network infrastructure devices such as routers andswitches

Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco SystemsSAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures isyour comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing asecure network. Whether your background is security or networking,you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between ahighly available, efficient network and one that strives tomaximize security. The included secure network design techniquesfocus on making network and security technologies work together asa unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in anad-hoc way.

Beginning where other security books leave off, NetworkSecurity Architectures shows you how the various technologiesthat make up a security system can be used together to improve yournetwork's security. The technologies and best practices you'll findwithin are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply tovirtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and howsof security, from threats and counter measures to how to set upyour security policy to mesh with your network architecture. Afterlearning detailed security best practices covering everything fromLayer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply thebest practices to your network and learn to design your ownsecurity system to incorporate the requirements of your securitypolicy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today'sthreats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and workthrough case studies to find out how to modify the designs toaddress the unique considerations found in your network.

Content: 1. Networking overviews 2. Internetworking and Advanced routing 3. Quality of Service (QoS) 4. Overlay Networks and Routing in overlay networks 5. Mobile IP and Wireless networking 6. Multimedia networking o Introduction to multimedia networking o Video streaming over the Internet o Content distribution networks o Internet QoS architecture (QoS fundamentals, Congestion and traffic Engineering, Internet Differentiated services, Internet Integrated Services 7. Advanced topics o Data center networking for cloud computing o Software defined networks o Content distribution o Information centric networking o Internet measurementsReference: 1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Featuring the Internet(5th Edition) , by James Kurose and Keith Ross, Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 2010. 2ff7e9595c


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