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QZ Tray 2.0: The Ultimate Solution for Web Printing


QZ Tray 2.0 Download: How to Print from a Webpage Using HTML, JavaScript and Java

Have you ever wanted to print labels, barcodes, receipts and more from a webpage using HTML, JavaScript and Java? If so, you might be interested in QZ Tray 2.0, a cross-platform software that allows you to do just that.

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In this article, we will explain what QZ Tray is and why you need it, how to download it for your operating system, how to use it to print from a webpage, and how to customize your printing options with it.

What is QZ Tray and why do you need it?

QZ Tray is a cross-platform software that allows you to print labels, barcodes, receipts and more from a webpage using HTML, JavaScript and Java.

QZ Tray is a software that runs in the background on your computer and acts as a bridge between your web browser and your printer. It enables you to print from any web browser without installing any drivers or plugins, using standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Java.

QZ Tray supports various types of printing formats, such as pixel (PDF, PNG, JPG), raw (ESC/P, ZPL, EPL) and HTML (with CSS). It also supports various types of printers, such as thermal, inkjet, laser and dot-matrix.

You need QZ Tray if you want to print from a web browser without installing any drivers or plugins, or if you want to use advanced features such as raw printing, printer status monitoring, serial communication and more.

If you want to print from a web browser without installing any drivers or plugins, QZ Tray is the perfect solution for you. It works with any web browser that supports WebSocket communication, such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera.

If you want to use advanced features such as raw printing, printer status monitoring, serial communication and more, QZ Tray can also help you with that. It allows you to print raw commands directly to your printer, get the printer status and capabilities, send and receive data from serial devices, and more.

How to download QZ Tray 2.0 for your operating system?

QZ Tray 2.0 is available for download for Windows, macOS and Linux and runs both on Intel and ARM / Apple Silicon architectures.

QZ Tray 2.0 is compatible with most operating systems and hardware platforms. It runs on Windows 7 or higher, macOS 10.10 or higher, and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, etc.). It also supports both Intel and ARM / Apple Silicon architectures, so you can use it on devices such as Raspberry Pi, Chromebook, Mac Mini M1, etc.

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You can download QZ Tray 2.0 directly from the official website or run a script to install it automatically.

There are two ways to download QZ Tray 2.0 for your operating system: direct download or script installation.

Direct download links

If you want to download QZ Tray 2.0 manually, you can use the following links:

Operating SystemDownload Link




After downloading the file, you need to run it and follow the instructions to install QZ Tray 2.0 on your computer.

Script installation instructions

If you want to install QZ Tray 2.0 automatically, you can use a script that will download and install it for you. To use the script, you need to open a terminal or command prompt window and run the following command:

wget -O && bash

This command will download the script from the official website and execute it on your computer. The script will detect your operating system and architecture and install the appropriate version of QZ Tray 2.0 for you.

How to use QZ Tray 2.0 to print from a webpage?

QZ Tray 2.0 works with any web browser that supports WebSocket communication, such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera.

QZ Tray 2.0 uses WebSocket communication to communicate with your web browser and send printing commands to your printer. WebSocket is a web technology that allows bidirectional communication between a client and a server over a single TCP connection.

Most modern web browsers support WebSocket communication, so you can use QZ Tray 2.0 with any of them. However, some older browsers may not support WebSocket or may have some limitations or issues with it. You can check the compatibility of your web browser with WebSocket here: .

To print from a webpage, you need to do the following steps:

To print from a webpage using QZ Tray 2.0, you need to do the following steps: Run QZ Tray 2.0 in the background and make sure it is connected to your printer.

Before you can print from a webpage, you need to make sure that QZ Tray 2.0 is running in the background on your computer and that it is connected to your printer. You can check this by looking at the QZ Tray icon in your system tray or menu bar. If the icon is green, it means that QZ Tray 2.0 is running and connected to your printer. If the icon is red, it means that QZ Tray 2.0 is not running or not connected to your printer.

If QZ Tray 2.0 is not running, you need to launch it from your start menu or applications folder. If QZ Tray 2.0 is not connected to your printer, you need to select your printer from the QZ Tray menu by right-clicking on the icon and choosing "Change Printer". You can also change other settings such as auto-start, logging, updates, etc. from the QZ Tray menu.

Visit the webpage that contains the printing code and click on the print button or link.

Next, you need to visit the webpage that contains the printing code that uses QZ Tray 2.0 to print from a webpage. The printing code can be written in HTML, JavaScript or Java and can be embedded in the webpage or loaded from an external file or URL.

The printing code should have a print button or link that triggers the printing function when clicked. For example, the following code creates a simple print button that prints a PDF file using QZ Tray 2.0:

Print PDF

<script src="

function printPDF() qz.websocket.connect().then(function() return qz.printers.find(); ).then(function(printer) var config = qz.configs.create(printer); var data = [ type: 'pdf', data: ' ]; return qz.print(config, data); ).then(function() console.log('Printed successfully'); qz.websocket.disconnect(); ).catch(function(err) console.error(err); qz.websocket.disconnect(); );

You can find more examples of printing code using QZ Tray 2.0 here: .

Allow QZ Tray 2.0 to access the webpage by clicking on the "Allow" button in the pop-up dialog.

When you click on the print button or link, QZ Tray 2.0 will try to access the webpage and send printing commands to your printer. However, for security reasons, QZ Tray 2.0 will ask for your permission before doing so.

You will see a pop-up dialog on your screen that says "QZ Tray wants to access this site" and shows the URL of the webpage. You need to click on the "Allow" button to grant permission to QZ Tray 2.0. You can also check the "Remember this decision" box if you want to allow QZ Tray 2.0 to access this webpage automatically in the future.

Wait for the printing job to finish and check the output on your printer.

After you allow QZ Tray 2.0 to access the webpage, it will start sending printing commands to your printer and print the content of the webpage according to your printing options. You can see the progress of the printing job on the QZ Tray icon in your system tray or menu bar.

When the printing job is finished, you can check the output on your printer and see if it matches your expectations. If you encounter any problems or errors with the printing job, you can check the QZ Tray log file for more details or contact the support team for help.

How to customize your printing options with QZ Tray 2.0?

QZ Tray 2.0 allows you to customize your printing options using various parameters and methods in the JavaScript API.

QZ Tray 2.0 provides a JavaScript API that allows you to customize your printing options using various parameters and methods. The JavaScript API is documented here: .

The JavaScript API allows you to create a config object that contains your printing options and pass it to the qz.print function along with your data object that contains your printing content.

The config object has several properties that you can use to customize your printing options, such as:

  • printer: the name of the printer to use

  • tray: the name of the tray to use

  • size: the size of the paper to use

  • orientation: the orientation of the paper to use

  • margins: the margins of the paper to use

  • scaleContent: whether to scale the content to fit the paper size

  • density: the density of the print output

  • quality: the quality of the print output

  • colorType: the color mode of the print output

  • copies: the number of copies to print

  • collate: whether to collate the copies or not

  • duplex: whether to print on both sides of the paper or not

  • header: the header text to print on each page

  • footer: the footer text to print on each page

  • pagePrefix: the prefix text to print before each page number

You can also use various methods in the JavaScript API to perform other actions, such as:

  • qz.printers.find(): to find and return the name of the default printer or a specific printer

  • qz.printers.getDefault(): to get and return the name of the default printer

  • qz.printers.setPrinter(): to set a specific printer as the default printer

  • qz.printers.getTrays(): to get and return an array of tray names for a specific printer

  • qz.printers.getSizes(): to get and return an array of paper sizes for a specific printer

  • qz.printers.getCapabilities(): to get and return an object of printer capabilities for a specific printer

  • qz.printers.getStatus(): to get and return an object of printer status for a specific printer

  • qz.serial.findPorts(): to find and return an array of serial port names available on your computer

  • qz.serial.openPort(): to open a connection to a specific serial port

  • qz.serial.closePort(): to close a connection to a specific serial port

  • qz.serial.sendData(): to send data to a specific serial port

  • qz.serial.setSerialCallbacks(): to set callbacks for serial events such as open, close, error and receive data

Some of the common printing options you can customize are:

Printer name, tray name and paper size

If you want to specify which printer, tray and paper size you want to use for your printing job, you can use the following parameters in your config object:

// Create a config object var config = qz.configs.create(); // Set the printer name config.printer = "Zebra ZP 450"; // Set the tray name config.tray = "Tray 1"; // Set the paper size config.size = width: 4.0, height: 6.0, unit: "in" ;

You can also use the qz.printers.find(), qz.printers.getTrays() and qz.printers.getSizes() methods to get and set these parameters dynamically.

Print orientation, margins and scaling

If you want to adjust how your content is oriented, margined and scaled on your paper, you can use the following parameters in your config object:

// Create a config object var config = qz.configs.create(); // Set the print orientation config.orientation = "landscape"; // Set the print margins config.margins = top: 0.5, right: 0.5, bottom: 0.5, left: 0.5 ; // Set whether to scale content or not config.scaleContent = true;

You can also use constants such as qz.configs.PORTRAIT, qz.configs.LANDSCAPE, qz.configs.NO_MARGINS and qz.configs.AUTO_SCALE for convenience.

Print density, quality and color mode

If you want to control how your content is printed in terms of density, quality and color mode, you can use the following parameters in your config object:

// Create a config object var config = qz.configs.create(); // Set the print density config.density = 300; // Set the print quality config.quality = 600; // Set the color mode config.colorType = "grayscale";

You You can also use constants such as qz.configs.DENSITY_NORMAL, qz.configs.DENSITY_HIGH, qz.configs.QUALITY_NORMAL, qz.configs.QUALITY_HIGH, qz.configs.COLOR, qz.configs.GRAYSCALE and qz.configs.BLACK_WHITE for convenience.

Print copies, collation and duplex mode

If you want to specify how many copies you want to print and whether to collate them or print on both sides of the paper, you can use the following parameters in your config object:

// Create a config object var config = qz.configs.create(); // Set the number of copies config.copies = 2; // Set whether to collate the copies or not config.collate = true; // Set whether to print on both sides of the paper or not config.duplex = true;

You can also use constants such as qz.configs.COLLATE_ON, qz.configs.COLLATE_OFF, qz.configs.DUPLEX_ON and qz.configs.DUPLEX_OFF for convenience.

Print headers, footers and page numbers

If you want to add headers, footers and page numbers to your print output, you can use the following parameters in your config object:

// Create a config object var config = qz.configs.create(); // Set the header text config.header = "QZ Tray 2.0 Example"; // Set the footer text config.footer = "Printed with QZ Tray 2.0"; // Set the page prefix text config.pagePrefix = "Page ";

You can also use variables such as date, time, totalPages and currentPage in your header, footer and page prefix texts to insert dynamic values.

Conclusion and FAQs

In this article, we have learned what QZ Tray 2.0 is and why you need it, how to download it for your operating system, how to use it to print from a webpage, and how to customize your printing options with it.

QZ Tray 2.0 is a powerful and versatile software that allows you to print labels, barcodes, receipts and more from a webpage using HTML, JavaScript and Java. It works with any web browser that supports WebSocket communication and any printer that supports pixel, raw or HTML formats. It also offers advanced features such as raw printing, printer status monitoring, serial communication and more.

If you want to try QZ Tray 2.0 for yourself, you can download it from the official website or run a script to install it automatically. You can also check out the examples and documentation on the website to learn more about how to use QZ Tray 2.0 for your printing needs.

Here are some frequently asked questions about QZ Tray 2.0:

  • Is QZ Tray 2.0 free?

  • QZ Tray 2.0 is free for personal and non-commercial use. However, if you want to use QZ Tray 2.0 for commercial purposes, you need to purchase a license from the official website.

  • How secure is QZ Tray 2.0?

  • QZ Tray 2.0 is secure because it uses WebSocket communication over SSL/TLS encryption to communicate with your web browser and printer. It also asks for your permission before accessing any webpage or printing any content.

  • How can I get support for QZ Tray 2.0?

  • You can get support for QZ Tray 2.0 by visiting the official website and accessing the forums, chat rooms, email support or phone support options.

  • How can I update QZ Tray 2.0?

  • You can update QZ Tray 2.0 by downloading the latest version from the official website or running a script to update it automatically. You can also enable automatic updates from the QZ Tray menu by checking the "Check for updates" option.

  • How can I uninstall QZ Tray 2.0?

  • You can uninstall QZ Tray 2.0 by running the uninstaller program that comes with the software or by following the instructions on the official website for your operating system.



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