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The Summit 2013 Torrent: Witness the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World


"You know, after I have two Grand Slam doubles [titles], I was thinking I would not get too excited after I win another one," said Hsieh, who won 2013 Wimbledon and 2014 Roland Garros with Peng Shuai. "But that was pretty exciting!"

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Hsieh contends she has no real recollection of her own time at the summit of the women's doubles rankings, which she also claimed when asked about it at Wimbledon. "That was a long time ago," she smiled.

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Foot-flagging has been observed in 16 frog species (Preininger et al., 2013). The male will typically arch and rotate its back foot in the air, giving a conspicuous visual signal (Figure 1). Males of the Bornean frog genus Staurois have evolved a unique foot-flagging behaviour which males use in a variety of contexts. The Sabah splash frog (Staurois latopalmatus) is found exclusively close to waterfalls where it can be observed regularly on exposed perches. Within this habitat, males signal in close vicinity to each other near to the water (Preininger et al., 2009). Preininger et al. (2009) have identified three types of visual displays: foot flagging, arm waving and vocal sac displays. Foot-flagging displays are mainly performed in the direction of a male opponent and appear to be used in territorial defence. Preininger et al. (2009) hypothesise that foot-flagging behaviour in this species has evolved from physical male-male combat where each male tries to push the other off its perch. The foot-flagging behaviour may be a ritualization of this aggressive combat, avoiding the need for physical contact. The other visual displays, arm waving and throat display appear to be used less frequently than foot-flagging during male-male aggressive encounters.

The Bornean rock frog (Stauroisparvus) from Borneo and the small torrent frog (Micrixalus saxicola) from the Western Ghats of India belong todifferent frog families (Figure 2). Males of both species use complexsignalling involving high pitched calls, foot flagging, and tapping (footlifting) to defend perching sites against other males (Preininger et al. 2013). The Bornean rock frog hasconspicuous white feet, whereas the small torrent frog has feet which are thesame colour as its body. In a study to examine the differences in the behaviourof the two species, Preininger et al.(2013) found that in the Bornean rock frog, foot-flagging achieved a 13 timeshigher contrast against their visual background than the feet of the small torrentfrog. In addition, the Bornean rock frog primarily responded to stimuli with footflagging, whereas the small torrent frog responded mainly with calls but neverfoot-flagging on its own (Preininger etal. 2013). The authors propose that in the small torrent frog foot-flaggingis in a transient state, evolving from its current use in physical fightingbehaviour.

Preininger,D., Boechle, M., Sztatecsny, M. & Hödl, W. (2013) Divergent receiverresponses to components of multimodal signals in two foot-flagging frogspecies. PLoS ONE, 8 (1): e55367.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055367.

OpenStack may have started with just two organizations, NASA and Rackspace, but now there are hundreds and with each additional member the community grows stronger and more cohesive. Every morning the OpenStack developer awakes to a torrent of email from the discussions in other countries, and the momentum is best described as 'intense'.

Overall, the standout feature of OpenStack is this strong community. It's extremely diverse, comprised of very different technical backgrounds (python developers to packagers to translators) and different philosophical backgrounds (free software evangelists to hardcore capitalists). It's also very widespread, with the OpenStack Foundation claiming membership from 130 countries as of October 2013. So, dear reader, chances are there is a place for you.

Big data is not only something for the large, multi-national, corporations in the world. Also small business can reap the benefits from big data. A small business has to look differently at big data, simply because less data is created. That does not mean however that small businesses cannot develop a big data strategy. Especially when small businesses start combining various data sets they can also obtain the insights that large corporations achieve with big data. This video shows how small businesses are prepared for the torrent of big data and discusses how to turn a big headache into a big opportunity.

New York -- Jim Cramer of the CNBC television finance show, Mad Money, said today that Mexico manufacturing companies had grown dramatically in recent months, and he cited GDP numbers that suggests Mexico's economy had expanded at a faster rate than the United State's economy.In light of this news, Cramer picked a Kansas City based railroad interest called Kansas City Southern with a network of railroad tracks in Mexico as his pick of companies most likely to give a healthy return on the investment in 2013. According to Cramer, KCS has

The thriving automotive industry in Mexico stands out as a success story amidst the torrent of doom and gloom news surrounding the world economy. With several automakers planning to either begin or expand their operations, the future of automotive manufacturing in Mexico looks primed to continue growing substantially. J.D. Power, an automotive consulting firm, estimates, in all, that auto production will grow by a third over the next six years in Mexico.The thriving automotive industry in Mexico stands out as a success story amidst the torrent of doom and gloom news surrounding the world

Automotive manufacturing in Mexico will continue to grow substantiallyThe thriving automotive industry in Mexico stands out as a success story amidst the torrent of doom and gloom news surrounding the world economy. With several automakers planning to either begin or expand their operations, the future of automotive manufacturing in Mexico looks primed to continue growing substantially. J.D. Power, an automotive consulting firm, estimates, in all, that auto production will grow by a third over the next six years in Mexico.Nissan, Honda, and Mazda have new plants opening in Mexico next

Snyder, Lori [Speaker] (2013) Genomic changes in 'Neisseria gonorrhoeae' revealed through Ion Torrent sequencing. In: 3rd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Congress Asia; 08 - 09 Oct 2013, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Hedman Jansson, Kristina and Huisman, Chelsey Jo and Lagerkvist, Carl Johan and Rabinowicz, Ewa (2013) Agricultural Credit Market Institutions: A Comparison of Selected European Countries. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 33, January 2013. [Working Paper] 2ff7e9595c


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